What is Spot UV  Business Cards?

Spot UV Business Cards – It is a clear coating that is applied to chosen spots or area of the card. Spot UV coating is an eye catching finish that will draw your client’s attention to finished areas of the card when applied on the matte background. It is  an economical way to make your card standout. Try our 420gsm Matt Two Sided card with Spot UV on 1 side. It’s the perfect option to take your clients card to the next level while keeping within the budget. It has high impact, affordable, and versatility – spot UV printing.  Technically, it’s not a “printing” technique but a coating technique or varnish applied to certain areas of a printed materials.

Spot UV Print file

Spot UV Business Cards

Spot UV Varnish Element applied to the below texts only

Spot UV Business Card


– Select the elements that are to be in Spot UV, copy them and paste them in place on a separate layer
– Select these elements and create a new colour swatch called ‘SPOT UV’, set the ‘Colour Type’ to ‘Spot Color’ and set the CMYK break down to 100% Black
– Now set these Spot UV elements to overprint

– Create a 2 page PDF of your print artwork as usual. Now select all the elements which are to be in Spot UV and copy them to a seperate layer (this layer should be in exactly the position you require the Spot UV.) These elements must be in 100%K (black) and be a new colour swatch called ‘SPOT UV’ and be set to OVERPRINT.

– Line up the SPOT UV layer, exactly with the layer below so we place the spot uv exactly in the correct position.

Email us if you would like to know more about setting up your artwork for Spot UV.

Check our recent works on Instagram here Recent Works

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