Barcode Printing
Allprint Brisbane exclusively offer barcode printing on various purposes and on different card stocks. Whether it is a loyalty card or an event ticket we can do it for an affordable price.
Allprint Brisbane is capable of barcoded cards and tickets. We can generate barcode 128 and other popular coded printing including QR codes. This can be printed on to plastic cards or standard card stock materials as per your budget and requirements.
Barcode Types
We use barcode generator software to produce various types of variable data printing including code 128, code 39 and QR codes. For low cost and budget we can generate these codes on to standard thick card stocks. We can also print barcoded event tickets and cards with full colour data on it. This can be supplied as loose tickets or perforated books with staple on it.
Barcode Labels
Barcode Labels, which are currently the most widely used coding method around the world. In addition to their universal functionality in retail price tags and product inventory, barcode labels also used by libraries, publishers, state and local governments, automakers, warehouses, manufacturers large and small and countless other industries. Transportation and logistics companies use them to track shipments, consumer marketers utilize them for coupon promotions and hospitals rely on them to assure that patients receive the correct treatments and medication dosages. In addition, in a new world of online marketing, custom barcode labels made selling across international borders possible. In short, barcode labels are increasingly becoming an indispensable part of product packaging and marketing, impossible to do without, especially when keeping track of merchandise and materials throughout the supply chain.
Contact us for your barcode printing job today!
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